May of 2013: China & Vietnam
China: Lijiang
The other side of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountains, from the Lijiang side.
Honey, sold in the honeycomb, along with the wax.
The famous "majong in the back room of the restaurant." Yes, it's true: business in the front, party in the back.
Naxi style cooking!
This beef with mint was incredible
The guest house where we stayed.
Biking to the nearby town of Baisha
We visited Wenchang Palace, built during the Qing Dynasty. It has famous frescoes painted on the walls.
Chinese doorways are built this way. You have to step over the threshold because the threshold keeps ghosts out. How? Because ghosts don't have knees. Of course.
The Naxi embroidery from Lijiang is outstanding and world famous.
Lunch in the town of Hsuhe
The town of Hsuhe, organized around beautiful canals. The water was very clean. Beautiful streets and architecture.
Good advice for American tourists: "Shopping should be rational."
The city of old Lijiang
The statue of Mao outside the old city.
This classical Chinese home was converted into a guest house a while ago. The current owner is a professor of international relations, specializing in Thailand and southeast Asia, and teaching at a nearby university.
They still make wood pillars with a tongue in groove style interlocking fit. No nails needed.
The scarves were made by the Mosuo people, who are branch of the Naxi. They are matriarchal. The children are cared for by the mother and her family. There isn't an expectation that a married couple will stay together to care for the children.
Cocoa buns. Delish!
Liked the sign.
The next day, in the morning, we drove to another Naxi tourist spot, but not before we noticed this mom dropping her daughter off at school. It was a bit rainy. This was how it was done!