May of 2013: China & Vietnam
China: Huangshan
Legend has it that the famous Yellow Emperor, Huangdi, founder of the Han people, climbed the Yellow Mountain Huangshan, and then ascended to heaven. It is a forbidding place. We got there, tasted some of the local food, and checked out the Huangshan hotspring spa before making the trek.
Notice the look on Zoe's face. She was unhappy that we were going to these baths.
Check out what they offer here.
Each little pool is scented with a different fragrance, or infusion: green tea, jasmine, rose petals, wine, wormwood, vitamin C, and on and on. We spent a total of 90 minutes hopping from hot bath to hot bath. I think I came out more clean than I've ever been, and smelling nicer too.
Now look at Zoe's look of happy contentment.
Huangshan from a distance
Huangshan is famous for its very squarely cut rocks, and other interesting rock formations.
See us on top?
You could pay for a ride.
We arranged for rooms at a guest house high up in the mountain.
Look at that rock. Like it's going to fall over.
People leave locks on the chain
Occasionally, we'd see groups of elderly Chinese or Korean tourists. They seem to not like the idea of getting tan.
At sunset.
The next morning, we got up super early to try to see the sunrise. Alas, it was too foggy.
This was a very peculiar rock.
Incredible engineering work.
John pretending to hold an ice cream cone.
We were so hot from hiking that we hugged the cold granite rocks.
Looking straight down a gorge.
The staircase up to the highest point in Huangshan, the Lotus Peak. John went up there. We waited for him.
A few shots John took from Lotus Peak.
This rock has a very interesting etching on the side. Notice it?
This is called Dolphin Rock. Looks like a dolphin from the back.
Now going down the lift.