The Nagasawa family trip to Italy and France:  June 12 - 30, 2008




June 12 Fly to Rome June 21 Fly to Marseilles
June 13 Arrive in Rome June 22 Drive to Les Barcares
June 14 Rome June 23 Sigean Animal Reserve
June 15 Assisi, drive to Venice June 24 Priory of Serrabona
June 16 Venice June 25 Collioure
June 17 Drive to Florence June 26 Relax in Claira
June 18 Florence, drive to Siena & Orvieto June 27 Drive to Barcelona
June 19 Orvieto, drive to Rome June 28 Relax in Claira
June 20 Rome June 29 Drive to Marseilles
    June 30 Fly back to Boston

(the links are the days in purple; click on them to see pictures)


June 24, 2008:


On another cool day, we went to the Priory of Serrabona.  Built in 1082 as an Augustinian monastery, the Priory is high on a mountain.  Ming was feeling her fear of heights as she was driving!  Who brought all this stone up the mountain? 


Baby Lucas developing his affection for John.


Auntie Mari carrying Lucas in his very fashionable hat.  What a great smile!!


Looking for a spot in the garden area to picnic.




Lucas' uncle showing him how to eat strawberries.


The cousins  :)


All of us, standing on a side of the Priory.  You get the sense that this is high up.


The interior of the Priory was mathematically designed using perfect circles and arches.  I could better understand why stone-workers wanted to work hard at their craft in service of Christian buildings like this. 


It definitely gives you the feeling that you're walking through a medieval European forest.  Art imitates nature. 


Here is the front of the building.  Nice and simple.  I felt more able to pray in settings like this.


A nice view


Ming walking in the garden outside.


Dinner at Papa Andre and Mama Nicole's again!!


Nagasawa blood:  Me, John, Zoe, and Auntie Mari.  Baby Lucas was already asleep.


Who does Zoe look more like?  Auntie Mari or mom?


Who does John look more like?  Me or an evil bunny rabbit?


Mama Nicole served up some great quiche dishes.  One had sausage and the other had anchovies.



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