The Nagasawa Family Photos June, 2014: Mako in Haiti and the Dominican Republic
My condensed trip summary to supporters and friends can be found here. Also, I wrote a poem about this trip, called "Sweat".
Thursday, June 19th We drove to a guest house in the province of Bani in the Dominican Republic. It was beautiful, with lots of mango trees! We used this time of 3 days to reflect and pray, along with resting and having fun. Some original songs and poetry came out of this time!
This is a cashew tree.
Friday, June 20th
The bus ride to the beach.
Our hosts, Cherry and Nidia, made us lunch...
Robinson got stung by a sea urchin when he stepped on it. I had to pee on his toe, as the ammonia helps the barbs to withdraw. But it didn't work this time. See the pictures below when Elena used a needle and tweezers to dig them out!
Saturday, June 21st After a retreat of silence spanning the evening before until lunch today, we prayed and journaled. We met in small groups to discuss what we were learning, and pray.
Then we had the afternoon to play a lot of pool games!
Like Marco Polo...
And reliving the dances we did for the kids in Cristo Redentor.
Fresh coconut!
Charles, a new Facebook profile picture?
This evening, we shared songs, dances, poems, in the framework of a Haitian story-telling practice called "crick, crack". The staff did a "guess our childhood" game.
Charles told us about a joke he told when he was younger
Henrico told quite a few jokes
Robinson read a poem he wrote earlier
Tiffany, Sarah, Brenda, and Emma performed a dance to a worship song
Isabel composed a song; I played guitar for her
Sarah, Elena, and Isabel sang a worship song ("At the Cross") in Spanish
The ADEE students did two hilarious skits
Colin also wrote a song, and Eileen and Yanyi performed a worship song in English and American Sign Language - we only got a blurry video of that, sadly.
Sunday, June 22nd This morning, I guess we decided that the sea urchin barbs had been in Robinson's toe long enough. Elena took a needle and tweezers to that toe. Poor Robinson!
Robinson tried to take a nice picture, but I photobombed the first one!
The team heading to Santo Domingo by bus