Uncovering Hidden Treasure


Our Context :: Our Vision :: Our Core Values :: Our History


our context

“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field,

which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it

he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

-Jesus, Gospel of Matthew 13:44


From distance to discovery


Through the New Deal to 1968, the federal government sponsored "white flight" from cities to suburbs through the Federal Housing Authority and G.I. Bill.  This led to racial segregation in housing, challenging issues in cities, and difficult relations between urban and suburban people.  We hope to discover and interpret what the people of Jesus have done in response to historic injustice.


From city to world


In white suburbs, church and parachurch growth was fueled by income gains that depended on that lifestyle.  Also, most seminaries assumed a mono-cultural, mono-ethnic model of ministry.  However, most of the world has become urban poor.  We hope to contribute to the Christian witness in the city, and explore and promote expressions of ministry that have broad relevance.


Tischa Brown's Harvest Summer Program


'Reinventing Church' Article


Chris Rice interview by Christianity Today





Prayer Letter from East Palo Alto, July 1999


Nagasawa Family Home Page