"Meet you outside Notre Dame!"  After visiting Sacre-Couer, we met up with Alex and Alma Cho, friends of Mako's from Stanford.  Alex and Alma have lived in Grenoble for over 2 years now.  Their son Luke is a few weeks younger than John. And both Ming and Alma are expecting!
Papa Alex and Luke.  We played at the south side of Notre Dame, where there is a small park and a few kids' amusements. Mako getting a feeling for holding two kids at once.
Afterwards we had yummy desserts at a cafe right across from Notre Dame.  
The side view of Notre Dame coming out of the cafe.
We walked over to the Jardin de Luxembourg.  The Luxembourg Palace was in  1615-1627. Inside are some Rubens paintings and Eugene Delacroix.  The palace was a prison during the Revolution and currently houses the Senate.  We had a relaxing late afternoon before eating crepes for dinner.

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