The Nagasawa family photos January, 2010
Mike Park, Gary VanderPol, and Mako ice fishing for the first time. Spy Pond in Arlington, off Mass Ave. Says Mike, "At first, we were pretty nervous about walking on the ice, but then we saw lots of people walking around on the ice with their dogs and kids, so we felt more comfortable. As the sun got higher, we heard lots of cracking sounds, but since no one else seemed nervous, we didn't sweat it too much. The ice was about 8 to 10" thick, and took us a couple minutes to drill each hole with the hand augur."
We brought chicken sausage from Trader Joe's, Mako's bean and kale soup, and some beer. There's our gear on the sled, including a butane powered stove and a propane heater.
No fish, but at least we had good food, good beer, and good conversation.
Matt and Candice Gormley visited in mid January. Here was a special dinner.
See that colorful pot holder Matt is holding, above? Zoe made it, and gave it to them.
We were stunned, as were all of you, to hear about Haiti's tragic earthquake victims. Many of our neighbors, friends, and colleagues are Haitian. Many in John and Zoe's school are Haitian as well. We've tried to extend a few extra phone calls to them, and kept them in our prayers. We were happy that our neighbor Jardin (Azibe's wife) wanted to celebrate her birthday with us. Despite her loss of an uncle and two cousins, and (at that time) having her younger sister missing somewhere in Haiti, Jardin graced us with her presence. Here she is (left) holding Jacob Cagua-Koo, as her own son Jadon was sitting on my lap.