The Nagasawa family photos Sep 2009
These are the organic vegetables we get from a farm nearby. We're trying to eat really healthy.
John started 3rd grade and Zoe started 1st.
An apple picking trip in mid-September with lots of friends.
Then we celebrated John's 9th birthday. First we went to the Boston Nature Center for a special crafts time. Here the kids are making butterflies.
Then they made bird feeders.
Then we drove to Acton to see a Children's Museum.
Then we went to Kimball's for dinner. John sure enjoyed his chicken fingers. We had a time of affirming John. We each said one nice thing about John. He loved it.
Major ice cream. After this, we went to Toah Nipi and pulled out John's telescope. We hoped to see stars but it was too cloudy. Well, the weekend couldn't be perfect.
On Sunday, we met Jacob Matias Yaeson Cagua-Koo for the first time!
Then we went to the Cheesecake Factory for cheesecake. John said this was his best birthday yet.