The Nagasawa family photos, Aug 2009
John and Zoe got us into a series of books by young author Christopher Paolini: Eragon, Eldest, and Brisingr. Although he's been criticized for drawing on archetypes central to Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and other stories, Paolini makes an original the plot; there are also some very unusual scenes, like the politics of the dwarves in book 3. We're looking forward to his final book in the series!
We had a baby shower for Liza and Dan Cagua-Koo. Their baby boy is due in mid-September. Many, many people are looking forward to his arrival!
Liza was all smiles!
These were the goodies and treats that many people made. So good!
A moment of prayer for the baby and the soon-to-be parents.
This is one of the days that John and Zoe went to Science Adventure Camp. It was taught by teachers who just can't get enough of kids during the regular school year that they put on a summer camp. The kids learned about friction by building toy cars, momentum by building a miniature bowling alley, etc. Here they're learning about gravity by building parachutes.
We appreciated Ernie, one of the staff, for his patience and genuine enjoyment of the kids.
On August 13th, we went to Boston Common to watch Shakespeare in the Park. This year, the show was A Comedy of Errors. Here is John reading Eragon while waiting for the show to start.
A look at the crowd. We were up near the front.
Dan and Liza brought the large cooler filled with yummy sandwich foods and snacks!
Carla and Dayvette brought their charming selves!
Ming and the kids sitting in the front row!
The scene where the father pleads before the court in Ephesus.
Testing my camera to see how clear its pictures are.
Then on August 14th, the kids went to their last day (of 5) of Zoo Camp at the Franklin Park Zoo.
Each age group did a little skit led by the Zoo Camp counselors.
They sang Zoo Camp songs, which are the best!
Zoe made a friend.
John was eager to volunteer his answer to, "Which part of the Zoo Camp week was your favorite?"
Zoe and her counselor.
John and his counselor.
Then we walked around the Zoo a little bit. Of course, we stopped by the butterfly exhibit, where we got up close and personal with a few of the residents.
On Saturday, August 15th, the kids had their weekly soccer lesson at the YMCA in Dorchester. There is one other girl who took the class. Their teachers are terrific soccer players. It was like getting private lessons. STRETCH....
And then later that afternoon we went to a beach near Cape Cod. Our friend Brianna came, and the Armitage family met us there.
During the week of August 17 - 21, the kids went to Nature Camp at the Boston Nature Center, which is only 5 minutes from our house. It's a great facility with trails, gardens, and small exhibits. Here's the kids petting turtles. Watch those fingers!!!
John sitting as the other kids present their learnings. Zoe is on the other side of a few other kids. What was she looking at? Everyone else is looking straight ahead...
John doing a skit about bears...
Zoe's group learned how to make string shapes...
We went for a short walk on the Rabbit Trail. I wonder where this leads? Will we see rabbits?
No rabbits, but there was a cool garden.
And those were some of our adventures in the month of August!