The Nagasawa family photos Jun - Jul of 2009
For one weekend in June, the InterVarsity Boston staff team went to Cape Cod. Here are John and Zoe on the beach, when the tide went way out (notice the ripples in the sand), building a sand castle.
Here is the whole Boston staff team finishing up a game of mini-golf. This is an annual tradition, but this was our last. Our team is now too big to house on the Cape! So we're going to have to figure out how to celebrate the year together in a different way. It's a great problem to have!
On Fridays, the Children's Museum charges $1 admission after 5pm. Here we are enjoying a quick dinner before we went inside.
This is the bubble blowing section.
Nice one, Zoe!
The rock climbing wall...
Then we went back to the bubble blowing section. Notice how big the bubble is around Zoe?
John's bubble is in the act of popping.
John and Zoe took tennis lessons for 2 weeks in July. This tennis court is by our house.
Zoe bravely got 2 teeth extracted. Her adult teeth are too big for her mouth, so the dentist wants to keep one step ahead of where the adult teeth are growing in. Zoe cried the night before and the morning of, but mustered up some courage for a big smile here.
During the week of July 27 - 31, John and Zoe attended a Vacation Bible School in the mornings. The theme was Son Rock Kids Camp. They traced through the interactions Jesus had with Simon Peter.