The Nagasawa family photos Apr - May of 2009
Zoe had three teeth fall out at the same time.
Zoe and her two friends Korena and Maia - what timing of teeth!
On April 18th, our housemate Matt Gormley and his fiance Candice Gesecki got married in Pittsburgh! On their wedding day, Pittsburgh had some of its best weather ever. The reception was held at The Pittsburgh Project, and was awesome: a choice of Indian, Mediterranean, and Polish foods, and instead of a cake, the best ice cream in Pitt.
Zoe liked playing with the flower petals scattered around the stage.
Earlier in the day, we had visited the Pittsburgh Zoo. This was the 12th zoo we've been to! Way back in the picture is a tiger.
Another shot at the Pittsburgh Zoo: sea lions!
And a petting zoo area.
We also visited the Pittsburgh Children's Museum and Science Museum, where our Boston family membership cards got us in for free! Here's Ming riding the human gyroscope. You get whipped around in different directions, but you can try to control it. It's a great workout. The amazing thing is that your stomach stays at the center of all the rotation, so it doesn't move that much, and you don't get sick.
Zoe found a new hobby: sewing.
Mako said a "farewell" of sorts to Tufts students at a conference called Summit in May. Mako will still mentor the staff Alex Nesbeda and Andy Ober, who will be at Tufts still, but will focus most of his time at Boston College.
Here's the Tufts Christian Fellowship crew.
We also celebrated Leslie Moore's birthday with a karaoke party at our house!
Mako saw Clyde Choi graduate from Boston College Law School. Mako knew Clyde since Clyde was a sophomore at BC, and a small group leader for freshman guys. Six years later...
We got a special treat on Thursday, May 21st: The Shah family came to visit us! Here is their newborn Solomon.
From left to right: Miriam, John, David, Joe, Josh, Zoe. We were at the Harvard Natural History Museum.
At Franklin Park on Monday May 25th, we had a bbq picnic with other friends, the Armitage family and the Watson family.
Carla and Sukhai joined the Nagasawa family and Shah family for a picture in the garden.
Then on May 29-30th, the Nagasawas went to New Jersey and New York for the wedding of Abe Kim and Ashley Jung, who were students at Boston University while Mako was supporting BU's Asian American fellowship. We went to the Bronx Zoo, one of the largest zoos in the country. It was the 13th zoo we've visited! It was spectacular. Here we are taking a needed lunch break.
Some butterflies at the butterfly exhibit.
And the kids rode a camel!