Here are some long over due family pictures from January - April 2004.  Enjoy!


The time we borrowed Gary and Jodi's cats (Scrunchie, shown here, Gremlin not shown) to chase our mice away.  Zoe enjoyed Scrunchie. Zoe wearing Dad's shoes
The kids bouncing in the crib. On Mako's 32nd birthday, Mako's mom came up and had a great time with the family.  Here's John adoring a hug from Grandma Bachan.
John gets really excited about cake. Speaking of cake, Ming got one of Mako's favorites:  cheesecake with raspberry jam or blueberries on the side.
Here's the great sushi spread Ming and Grandma put together. Mako's wish was to not gain weight on that day.
Jennifer Bridgewater reading a Makium card, a special category in Cranium about Mako.  Patented by Ming. Here's Liza letting her hair down.
John and Zoe looking out the window

Travis and Moyra Stiles, probably laughing at Liza's impersonation

Ming is working on Zoe's crayon skills.  Here's a few shots of Zoe (right, below).
Oh, a dangerous foreshadowing of teenage years...
Ming got a sandbox for $50 on Craig's List.  The kids love it.
John's precociousness ...and something else mixed in  :)