Here are some family pictures from Zoe's birth on October 24, 2002 at 2:48pm.  She weighed in at 6 lbs. 2 oz. and was 19 inches long.  Enjoy!


Dad catching some zzzz's...Our c-section was originally scheduled for 11:30am on Thursday Oct.24th.  But other emergency c-sections pushed it back to 2pm. Since Ming couldn't eat or drink from midnight the previous night, she ate a thick cut of prime rib at around 9pm on Wednesday night.  Here she is thinking about that last meal.
Aha!  Zoe is finally here.  Our first impression:  She looks like Ming's brother Paul! A proud Mommy & curious baby.
Her full name is Zoe Anastacia Jen-Guang Nagasawa.  Here's how small she was:  A visual comparison to Daddy's finger.  
Here's Zoe lying on Daddy's hand. Notice:  Zoe has the Wei nose.

Where does "Zoe Anastacia" come from?

"I am the Resurrection and the Life."

--Jesus in John 11:25 
(Greek for Resurrection: Anastasis
(Greek for Life: Zoe).  


Where does "Jen-Guang" come from?

"There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens everyone."

--John 1:9
(Chinese for true light:  Jen-Guang).

On the way over to the hospital on Friday, John picked up an acorn to give to Zoe as a gift.  Here he is meeting her for the first time.  Does he like her?  YES!!!  He likes her!  John has been very affectionate towards his baby sister.  Nowadays the first thing he says in the morning is "Zoe".
"No, Dad, I think she looks more like me...Can I try holding her?" John loves holding Zoe on his lap.  "John, hold her head, hold her head!!!"
John came back the next day (Saturday) as well.  Here he is getting some love from Mom. John at the hospital on Saturday, ecstatic to be visiting Zoe again.
Our friends Becky and Anna (3 yrs old) Bailey came to visit.  Becky is instructing Anna on the fine art of holding a baby.

"Okay, Mom, I've got her!  I've got her!"

CJ also got to hold Zoe.  CJ's also been very affectionate towards Zoe. Here's another shot of Zoe.  After she was born, Zoe went down to 5 lbs. 3oz.  Then she came back quickly to 5 lbs. 10oz.
Here's a visual comparison to Mom's finger. Ming and Zoe came home from the hospital on Monday, October 28th.  John immediately wanted to imitate Zoe: hat, carseat, and all.
Here are the two lovely women in the family.
Zoe sleeping in a makeshift bassinet.