Here are some family pictures from 2001.  More recent pictures are at the top.  Enjoy!

John discovering his toes at about 5 months Learning to lounge around
Here we are at the Hirota-Sandomirsky wedding in May of '01.  John is 7 and 1/2 months old. John's getting started early on his typing skills.  He's up to 5 keys per second, but only in spurts.
CJ (age 6) and John (age 10 months), playing together on the couch in July '01. Stacy Ann Johnson, age 13, being home schooled by Ming.  Hot chocolate is her favorite morning drink.
Four generations of Nagasawas (Mako's grandmother is 95 years old)


John visited his first Boston beach in August. He recommends Baby Skin Sun Screen and these stylish blue waterproof diapers.  John loved the water.  After this, John wanted to take baths and to swim in the neighborhood swimming pool.
Kids in our neighborhood celebrating John's 1 year birthday. Daddy and baby
John with buddy Faith Chang dining at a nice restaurant in California, Oct.'01.  They were chaperoned by their parents. Ming took a sheriff and a pumpkin trick or treating on Halloween.

John started walking and exploring more independently around Thanksgiving.

We spent Christmas of 2001 in Cerritos, CA, where it was sunny enough for John to play at the park.  He loved this slide.