The Kingdom Movement

A Literary & Pastoral Study Guide to the Gospel of Matthew

The Inspiration of Matthew,

by Caravaggio


On the King's Errand

Devotional Reflections on Matthew's Gospel


Heart Transformation for Love, Part Eleven – Pray for Your Persecutor: Mt.5:44


5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you


         When we pray for our persecutors, or opponents, bad roommates, unfriendly acquaintances, etc., we bring our own emotions before the Father of love.  And in His presence, as we pray for them, the one true God begins to share His own perspective with us.  He loves the person we don’t.  He shares His love for them with us.  He changes our hearts that way.

         Here’s an example of that.  On February 3, 2011, at the beginning of the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings, this photograph was published online.  It was taken in Cairo, Egypt.  Coptic Christians surrounded Egyptian Muslims while they knelt for prayer. 



These Coptic Christians, who make up about 10% of Egypt’s population, had been marginalized for centuries and sometimes attacked.  In fact, just a few days prior, Islamic radicals were blamed for a suicide bombing attack on these Coptic Christians that killed 23 in Alexandria.  I’m impressed that these Coptic Christians guarded these Muslims and prayed for them while the Muslims prayed.  At times, some Muslims returned the favor.  (For more information, see  I’m impressed at how these Christians loved and prayed for those who persecuted them.

        You might feel a lot of resistance towards someone or some people right now.  But bring your thoughts and feelings before the Father, recognizing that the Father has already sent the Son to provide you with a new heart by his Spirit.  The more time you spend praying for them, the more God will reshape your heart, to love them with His love.