There is Another King:  Jesus

A Literary & Pastoral Study Guide to Luke's Gospel & Acts


1. Race Relations, Materialism, and Other Troubling Issues:  The Cost of Marginalizing Luke & the Relevance of His Writings


Part One:  Small Group Leader's Guide to a Sequential Approach to Luke - Acts

1. The Son Who Turns Everything Around (Lk.1:1 – 3:20):  Preparing to Engage Jesus

2. The Prophet Who Brings Life Out of Death (Lk.3:21 – 9:50):  Jesus Heals the Corruption in Human Nature

Luke 3:1 - 20 Prepare to Meet the King
Luke 3:21 - 4:13 Jesus the New Human Being
Luke 4:14 - 30 The First Synagogue Rejection: Enemies?
Luke 4:31 - 44 The Second Synagogue Rejection: Others?
Luke 4:14 - 44 Two Ways to Reject Jesus
Luke 5:1 - 16 The Two Who Fell at Jesus' Feet
Luke 5:17 - 32  The Two Who Rose at Jesus' Call
Luke 5:27 - 39 The Two Responses to Jesus' Healing Humanity
Luke 6:1 - 11 The Two Signs that Jesus Completes Humanity
Luke 6:12 - 36 Jesus' Definition of Blessedness: Loving Others
Luke 6:37 - 49 Jesus' Definition of Blessedness: Healing, not Judging
Luke 7:1 - 17 The Power of Jesus' Word and the Two Who Escaped Death
Luke 7:18 - 35 Two Responses to Jesus' Kingdom
Luke 7:36 - 50 The Two Party Hosts: Two Responses to Jesus' Forgiveness
Luke 8:1 - 21 What Type of Heart Do You Have?
Luke 8:22 - 25 Jesus Crosses the Sea, Calms the Storm
Luke 8:22 - 39 The Liberation of the Demoniac:  Listening to Too Many Voices
Luke 8:40 - 56 A Tale of Two Daughters
Luke 9:1 - 17 A Taste of Kingdom Mission and Responsibility
Luke 9:18 - 50 Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

3. The Heir Who Redefines His Kingdom (Lk.9:51 – 19:44):  Jesus Unveils His Kingdom Mission

Luke 9:51 - 62 Jesus Recruits for the Second Sending
Luke 10:1 - 24 The Mission of the Seventy
Luke 10:25 - 42 Jesus' Redefining of Loving Neighbor, Loving God
Luke 10:25 - 37 Jesus' Path to Eternal Life
Luke 10:38 - 42 A Tale of Two Sisters
Luke 11:1 - 13 The Prayers God Answers, Part 1:  For Others and for the Spirit
Luke 11:14 - 32 How Jesus Authenticates Himself
Luke 11:33 - 54 Jesus Claims Your Whole Person, Inside and Out
Luke 12:1 - 12 The Dangers of Hypocrisy
Luke 12:13 - 34 Jesus' Call to Give Generously
Luke 12:35 - 53 The Coming of the King to His City
Luke 12:54 - 13:9 The City That Resists its King
Luke 13:10 - 35 The Kingdom You No Longer Like, the Capital You'll No Longer Have
Luke 14:1 - 11 Jesus' Vision of the Kingdom Banquet: This Party Isn't About You
Luke 14:12 - 14 Jesus' Vision of the Kingdom Banquet: The Importance of Being Inclusive
Luke 14:15 - 35 Jesus' Vision of the Kingdom Banquet: You Don't Want to Miss this Party
Luke 15:1 - 10 The Two Parables of the Lost Things
Luke 15:11 - 32 The Parable of the Two Lost Sons
Luke 16:1 - 13 How to Use Unrighteous Money: The Servant Jesus Looks For
Luke 16:14 - 31 Rich Man, Poor Man
Luke 17:1 - 10 Jesus' Call to Servanthood
Luke 17:11 - 37 Jesus Predicts the Fall of the Temple
Luke 18:1 - 14 The Prayers God Answers, Part 2:  For Vindication and for Humility
Luke 18:15 - 19:10 Rich Man, Rich Man: The Sign of New Birth is Generosity
Luke 19:11 - 27 Jesus' Kingdom Requires Our Investment
Luke 19:28 - 44 The Premature Celebration

4. The Lord Who Turns a City Upside-Down (Lk.19:45 – 21:38):  Jesus Confronts the Occupying Powers

Luke 19:45 - 20:19 The Return of the King
Luke 20:20 - 21:4 Jesus Challenged but Triumphant
Luke 21:5 - 38 The Temple's Doom

5. The Man Who Changes World History (Lk.22 – 24):  Paradise Regained

Luke 22:1 - 30 Jesus Prepares a New Exodus
Luke 22:31 - 24:51 Jesus Divides All Humanity
Luke 22:31 - 62 Seeing Yourself Clearly in the Darkness
Luke 22:63 - 23:25 The Rejection of the King
Luke 23:26 - 24:12 A Light Shines in the Darkness
Luke 24:13 - 53 Tell the Jesus Story!

6. The King Who Liberates the Captives (Acts 1 - 12):  Jesus Proclaimed in Judea and Samaria

7. The Jew Who Really Does Rule the World (Acts 13 - 28):  Jesus Proclaimed in the Roman Empire


Part Two:  A Small Group Leader's Guide to a Thematic Approach to Luke - Acts

1. Hearing and Speaking:  Becoming Servants of the Word

    a. Internalizing Jesus’ Word:  Forming a Spiritual Identity

    b. The Holy Spirit and Speech:  Having Something to Say (ppt)

    c. The Fulfillment of Israel’s Scriptures:  Telling the Great Story

    d. The Question of Tongues:  Struggling for Coherence

2. Race, Gender, and the Rich and Poor:  Reaching All Humanity

    a. Table Fellowship:  Eating Together and Enacting Jesus’ Kingdom

     b. Jews and Abraham’s Family:  Choosing the Chosen People

     c. Samaritans:  Finding a Home for the Marginalized 

      d. Gentiles:  Embracing the Outsider Community

      e. Women:  Women Restored, Women Restoring

      f. The Poor:  More Than Just Preaching to Them

3. Calling for Repentance:  Dividing All Humanity

      a. From Ethnocentrism:  Weathering Oppression Without Becoming Ethnocentric

      b. From Materialism:  Gaining What is Truly Valuable

      c. From Traditional Family Values:  Making a New Allegiance to a New Family

      d. From Blind Spots:  Having True Spiritual Sight

    e. Purified by Fire from Fire:  Divine Fire and Its True Meaning

4. Confronting the Powers:  Speaking Truth to Power

    a. Jesus is Our True King:  Confronting Political Powers 

    b. Satan and Spiritual Warfare:  Confronting Spiritual Powers 

    c. Despite Persecution and Conflict:  Enduring Hardship and the Spread of the Word

    d. From Jerusalem Outward:  Remembering We Are Not the Center


Part Three:  Messages from Luke - Acts

Luke 3:1 - 20 Get Ready to Meet the King
Luke 5:1 - 11 Jesus Makes Us Kingdom Builders
Luke 5:12 - 16 The Touch of Jesus
Luke 6:1 - 11 Jesus Completes Us
Luke 6:27 - 36 Jesus' Radical Ethics:  Generosity, not Hoarding
Luke 7:1 - 10 The Power of Jesus’ Word
Luke 8:26 - 39 Listening to Too Many Voices
Luke 8:40 - 56 A Tale of Two Daughters
Luke 9:51 - 62 Jesus First! 
Luke 11:1 - 13 The Father's Eagerness to Answer Our Prayers
Luke 11:1 - 13 How the Father Gives (BCACF 2015)
Luke 12:13 - 34

Kingdom Significance, not Security

Luke 14:1 - 11 This Party Isn't About You
Luke 14:12 - 14 The Importance of Being Inclusive
Luke 14:15 - 35 The Party You Don't Want to Miss
Luke 15:1 - 10 Rejoicing, not Grumbling, at Outreach
Luke 15:11 - 32 A Tale of Two Sons
Luke 15:11 - 32 How the Father Looks (BCACF 2015)
Luke 19:1 - 10 Racism, Wealth, and Power
Luke 24:13 - 53 Tell the Jesus Story
Acts 3:1 - 10 What To Do With a Harvard Education
Acts 3:11 - 4:12 A Resurrected Jesus in the Midst of Dead Heroes
Acts 10 - 11 The Outreach to the Gentiles Begins
Acts 17:15 - 34 The God People Have Already Experienced
Acts 17:15 - 34 The Engagement of Stories
Acts 17:15 - 34 The Rehumanization of Humanity
Acts 19:1 - 41 The Gospel Divides Ephesus
Theme of Table Fellowship Return to the Banquet Table


Part Four:  A Literary-Pastoral Commentary on Luke - Acts

1. The Son Who Turns Everything Around (Lk.1:1 – 3:20):  Preparing to Engage Jesus

2. The Prophet Who Brings Life Out of Death (Lk.3:21 – 9:50):  Jesus Transforms Our Identity

3. The Heir Who Redefines His Kingdom (Lk.9:51 – 19:44):  Jesus Unveils His Kingdom Mission

4. The Lord Who Turns a City Upside-Down (Lk.19:45 – 21:38):  Jesus Confronts the Occupying Powers

5. The Man Who Changes Humanity (Lk.22 – 24):  Paradise Regained

6. The King Who Liberates the Captives (Acts 1 - 12):  Jesus Proclaimed in Judea and Samaria

7. The Jew Who Really Does Rule the World (Acts 13 - 28):  Jesus Proclaimed in the Roman Empire


Part Five:  Luke’s Literary Techniques

1. The Art of Biblical Narrative: Special Focus on Luke-Acts

2. Jesus Restores Us to Paradise:  Chiastic Outline of Luke 22 - 24

3. An Experiment in Literary Analysis:  Paul's Testimony Told Three Times

4. An Analysis of Water Baptism:  Why Water Baptism is Not Necessary for Salvation


Part Six:  Luke’s Engagement with the Hebrew Scriptures

1. Luke’s Literary Engagement with the Old Testament:  Intertextuality and Lukan Scholarship

2. Luke’s Theme of Wealth:  Intertextuality and Christian Ethics

3. An Exegesis of Luke 16:  Literary Analysis and Traditional Exegesis

4. The Prophecy of Isaiah in Luke - Acts


Helpful books and articles

* Gary Burge, Reading Luke Through Latin-American Eyes (Christianity Today, Apr 16, 2015) an interview with Dr. Justo Gonzalez

* Kezia, Alternative Nativity (blog, Dec 21, 2015) juxtaposing Gospel birth passages with photographs of Syrian refugees



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